Your Guide to Traffic Equipment Rental


Traffic equipment are mainly used to divert traffic whenever there are ongoing inspection, maintenance, or road repairs. Therefore, their main purpose is to provide alertness and safety to motorists. So, if you are one of the road contractors who need traffic equipment to get the job done, it is highly advisable to obtain the equipment to reputable company that already has a solid track record.

Question: These are only equipment, so why the need for a high-end provider?

Answer: Almost any company can provide traffic equipment if they have the inventory. However, only a few are complying with MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) that is published by the FHWA (Federal Highway Administration) itself. This comprehensive manual covers the national design, application, as well as placement standards, options, support, and guidance provisions for all traffic control equipment. In addition, only a handful of company follows the jurisdictional, approved traffic plan, and other safety regulations.

To Rent or to Purchase Traffic Equipment?

The answer to this question is contingent on two factors, namely: (1) the duration of your road project, and (2) the need for equipment in the future. If your project is a one-time basis only and you have constricted budget, then renting traffic equipment would be the ideal choice. If your project would take months, and you have the budget, better think on purchasing the needed traffic equipment.

Types of Traffic Equipment

If it is your first time to rent traffic equipment, companies usually offer the following:

  • Retro reflective Signage – These are the signage stands that provide awareness to motorists that there will be road diversion or traffic ahead. These signage stands come in any shape or size, rolled up or in rigid form, and with a stand or fastener.
  • Channeling Devices – These equipment are to guide the motorists where to position their vehicles. These are cones, grabber cones, drums (cylindrical metal shape), vertical panels, as well as tubular markers.
  • Steel Road Plates – There are companies who also deliver and install steel road plates including the service of traffic control while completing the installation.
  • Barricades – There are various types of barricades depending on your purpose. There are crowd control barricades for streets, crowd stopper steel barricades, pedestrian barricades, safety barricades, and water-filled ones.
  • Traffic Cones – Yes, these are the orange cones you see on the roads, and they come in different dimensions from 12″to as high as 36″.
  • Others – Speed trailers, portable light towers, message boards, and arrow boards are also included.

Setting Up the Traffic Equipment

The traffic equipment provider can also set up and install the equipment. However, they cannot do it instantly because they are necessitated by the law to locate and mark the location(s) first and have them cleared by the Utilities Protection center before installing the equipment. Signage can be placed on stands for three days or less.